Keep our parks clean and tidy

Here’s how to reduce the risk of littering in parks

Choose reusables

Bring reusable plates, cutlery and cups. Single-use items are easily littered, and in the long-run single-use is a less sustainable choice.


Bring a portable grill or use a public grill

Single-use grills represent a large litter problem in Norwegian parks and can cause also damage to the grass and other vegetation.


Always return your bottles and cans

In Norway empty beverage containers in plastic and metal carry a deposit which can be reclaimed. Give away your containers, take them home with you or place them in bins allocated for bottles and cans, if available.


Avoid using overflowing bins

Using overflowing bins or placing waste next to bins can increase the risk of littering, because the waste easily gets blown away or is dispersed by birds and other animals looking for food.


Hold on to your dog poop bag

Bring your dog poop bags back home with you if you cannot find an available bin in the park. In Norway compostable and biodegradable poop bags also go in with your regular waste.


Be prepared for unexpected litter

Bring a bag for your waste and food scraps. Take this bag back home with you if the bins in the park are full. The bag can also be used to pick litter you may come across while in the park.


Take care with your take-away packaging

Fold and flatten packaging waste to avoid filling up and blocking the park bins. Take special care with pizza boxes.


Avoid dropping nicotine pouches and cigarette butts

When littered, nicotine pouches and cigarette butts spread microplastics and toxic chemicals in nature. Make sure you dispose of your pouches and butts responsibly.

Hold Norge Rent (HNR) er en ideell medlemsorganisasjon som arbeider mot forsøpling. Vi inviterer bedrifter, virksomheter, organisasjoner og andre aktører som ønsker å bidra til et rent Norge, til å bli medlemmer. Grunntanken er at forsøpling er et felles ansvar, og at alle kan bidra.

Les mer om Hold Norge Rent og vårt arbeid på vår hjemmeside.